
eliminate hazards within your shop

elevate your molds

From molds on the floor to tools on the bench, Progressive’s new RhinoFeet are a simple, safe, and efficient solution for elevating and storing heavy items within the shop. This makes for a safer, cleaner approach when used under molds, eliminates the trip hazard of wood and skids strewn about the plant, and improves 5S standards.

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Separate Your Plates With RhinoToes

RhinoToes help to correctly position plates to avoid pinch points during assembly on the bench. Stabilize plates either with a ½-13 bolt or mount one rhino foot to each end of a threaded rod to support KO plates, stripper plates, or hot halves.

Progressive's New RhinoFeet for Large Molds

New Products for a Safer Shop Floor

As Seen in Plastics Technology

Technical Information and Downloads

For questions and more information on the RhinoFeet  product line: