Since our first Board involvement with the Society of Plastics Engineers in 1992, Progressive has dedicated volunteerism time towards industry advancement, and in 2002 we formed the Tooling For Tomorrow initiative.
To date, we have provided over $500,000 in financial donations and sample components to trade-related educational causes throughout our customers’ world.
in the press
Jack Krekorian, TMA’s Sr. Director of education (and lifelong ‘mold guy’) receives the check that puts Tooling For Tomorrow (TFT) over the half-million-dollar mark. This donation will be applied to expenses related to an actual production mold that is being designed and built by students.
Students and Instructors from Lake Area Technical Institute (LATI) in South Dakota received component donations to build a two-cavity PPE mask mold.
Two-cavity mold for PPE mask built by LATI using Progressive's components.
Molded parts (for PPE mask) by LATI are shown here.
Glenn and Don Starkey present the 2022 Mold Builder of the Year Award to Tom and Krista Barr of TK Mold & Engineering, Inc. from Romeo, MI.
Glenn and Don Starkey present the 2022 Tooling Trailblazer of the Year award to Compumold Tool and Design Inc from Phillips, WI.