Product Country of Origin Listing

Progressive designs components for production tooling and distributes these worldwide. For all proprietary items, technical drawings are generated, housed, and updated at Progressive’s US headquarters. Products are inspected in production and verified as required. Every effort is made to have dual supply to eliminate back orders, and shown below is the country of origin for these products.

Factors determining sourcing location include assurance of quality, expediency of the supply chain, cost, and stability of the country. All products are labeled with the country of origin when they ship.

Email us with any questions.  

Angle PinsG-23taiwantaiwan
Angle Pin HoldersG-24
Bar Locks & Guides: Side Machine
Bar Locks & Guides: Top Machine, X-Style BarsC-6
Bar Locks: Z-Series InsertedC-9taiwantaiwan
Blade EjectorsA-10
Cables (Patch)
CamAction 100, 200, 300, 400 Assy, Inserts, AccessoriesG-10
CamAction 100, 200, 300 Core PinsG-4taiwantaiwan
CamAction 250 Series Assemblies, InsertsG-4, 11taiwantaiwan
Cavity Interlocks: FlatC-16taiwantaiwan
Cavity Interlocks: RoundC-17
Center GuidesG-19
Collapsible Cores & Accesssories (DT & RT Series)I-1
Connectors (Recessed)K-6
Cooling ItemsE-1
Core PinsA-12
Core Pin RetainersA-18
Counterbored Round Taper LocksC-18
CounterView & CVe Monitor (Accessories)F-1
CV/CVe Cover PlatesF-12
CV/CVe Insulator Blocks and BracketsF-10
Date Stamps (Rings/Plugs) L, D, and CH SeriesD-5
Date Stamps (Rings/Plugs) all Other SeriesD-1
Ejector AcceleratorsJ-12
Ejector PinsA-2
Ejector SleevesA-14
Ejector Sleeves: DIN SteppedA-15
Ejector Sleeves: Thin WallA-16
Expandable CavitiesI-12
Extended Sprue Bushings RX-40B-4
FlexiCore AssembliesH-18
FlexiCore Wear BlocksH-22taiwantaiwan
FlexiCore, Heel Plates and Extension RodsH-23
Friction PullersJ-14
Front Loading Pins & BushingsB-16taiwan
Gate InsertsD-4
Guided Ejector Bushings: BronzeB-14
Guided Ejector Bushings: Black NitrideB-11taiwantaiwan
Guided Ejector PinsB-8taiwan
Internal Top LocksC-12
Leader PinsB-6
Leader Pins: DINB-7
Locating Rings & Shims
Locks: Side, Top, Guide, X-Style (Z-Series)C-8taiwantaiwan
ModuLifter Assembies, Cascades, RodsH-12
ModuLifter Bushings, Fittings, and HoseH-15
Nozzles and Nozzle CaddieM-2
PKO ExtensionsB-30taiwan
Plate AcceleratorsJ-13taiwantaiwan
Plate Latch LocksJ-1taiwantaiwan
Plate RetainersJ-8
Puller PinsB-5
Puller Pin BushingsB-5
Radial SpringsC-15
Rectangular Taper Bar LocksC-14
Return PinsA-19
Roller PullersJ-7
RTI Leader Pins
RTI Support PillarsL-21taiwan
RTI HandleL-22
RTI and RTI Accessories (all others)L-1
Runner Turn OffD-2
Safety StrapsB-32
Shoulder Bushings: SteelB-13
Shoulder Bushings: Bronze, Plated & GraphiteB-12
Side Locks: Graphite PluggedC-24taiwantaiwan
Sleeve ExtensionsA-17
Sleeve Extensions: BlanksA-17taiwantaiwan
Slide Retainers, Bases, Bushings, and CleatsG-14taiwantaiwan
Slide Retainer Springs (SRT)G-14
Slide Retainer Springs (SRTLK)G-17
Sprue BushingsB-1
Square GibsG-18
StackIt SystemJ-15
Stop PinsB-29taiwantaiwan
Stripper BoltsB-26taiwantaiwan
Support Pillars, Columns, Heels and Guided PillarsB-18-26taiwantaiwan
Switches & ConnectorsK-1
Taper Locks and PlatesC-19taiwantaiwan
TI PinsA-13
Tubular DowelsB-28taiwantaiwan
UniLifter Core Blades (Steel)H-2taiwan
UniLifter Core Blades (Ampco)H-2taiwan
UniLifter Core Blades (S-7)H-2
UniLifter Couplings and GibsH-2
Wear Plates: BronzeG-22
Wear Plates: Z-SeriesG-21taiwantaiwan
Wear StripsG-20
Wire Channel InsertsK-7